Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Homeless or at risk?

Referring someone who is homeless for help

Members of the public who are concerned about a person who is homeless should contact one of the organisations on the previous page.

The following organisations should use the below link to make a referral (with the consent of the person you are referring):

  • prisons (public and contracted out)
  • youth offender institutions and youth offending teams
  • secure training centres (public and contracted out) and colleges
  • probation services (community rehabilitation companies and national probation service)
  • jobcentre plus
  • accident and emergency services provided in a hospital
  • urgent treatment centres, and hospitals in their capacity of providing in-patient treatment
  • social service authorities

Online referrals for organisations listed above