Extreme weather warning

Weather warnings for icy weather have been issued. Find out more about services related to snow, ice and cold weather here

Snow, Ice and cold weather

Snow, Ice and cold weather

Bin Collections

Due to the current icy weather conditions, we’re experiencing disruption to bin collections across the city.

Our teams are doing their best to collect all waste, but if your bin isn’t collected on its usual day we’re asking all residents to leave your bin out and it will be collected as soon as we can.

You don’t need to report this to us, or contact our Customer Services team. Thank You for your patience and understanding.

Homelessness during cold weather

If you come across someone who is homeless or sleeping rough, you can report this via a number of channels

More information about rough sleeping

Gritting, snow and Ice

Find your nearest grit bin

See what roads we grit

Report a gritting problem

Council housing repairs during cold weather

Take a look at our dedicated pages for common problems during cold weather such as frozen pipes and boiler problems

Repairs during cold weather

Report a non urgent repair