Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Pest control

How much does it cost?

Domestic customers - price includes VAT

Payment is taken when you book the appointment. 

Results may vary. You may need more than one treatment. 

Council tenants no charge to customer
Rats up to three treatment visits - £60
Mice up to three treatment visits - £60
Bedbugs (you will be asked to carry out some preparations before we come)

one treatment of up to three rooms and a revisit to check and advise - £109

£24 extra for each additional room


up to three treatment visits - £155

Fleas (you will be asked to carry out some preparations before we come)

one treatment of up to three rooms - £96

£24 extra for each additional room

Ants, beetles, biscuit insects, bluebottles, booklice, carpet beetles/woolly bears, flies, fur beetles, hide beetles, larder beetles, maggots, mites, plaster mites, psocids, silverfish, spider beetles, spring tails, weevils, woodlice £67
Pharaoh ants £180

initial visit and up to two return visits - £121

price for each return visit after this - £24

Wasps and bees (we only treat for bees in exceptional circumstances)

below gutter level - £67

above gutter level up to a maximum height of 6.1m or 20ft - £95

Wasps and bees advice visit (no treatment) £30

There is a £24 charge for a missed appointment. 

If no treatment is needed, and only advice is given, the cost is £30. In both these cases you will be refunded the rest of the money you paid in advance. 

The cost to business customers is £92 (before VAT) per hour, or a three-treatment job for rats or mice can be booked for £169 (before VAT) and bespoke commercial contracts are also available.