Draft Corporate Strategy 2024-2028

Our City, Our Wellbeing

We have set out a draft Corporate Strategy for our council vision and priorities for the next four years, based on the main challenges and opportunities facing the city.

It will replace the Stronger Together Strategic Vision which was developed and adopted in 2019. The strategy is our draft prospectus which outlines our key priority areas. We know that priorities can and will change over time however we encourage residents, businesses and organisations to make strong suggestions for different/other priorities.

We have identified six key themes will help residents and businesses to feel better about living and working in our city. Our ambition is to generate a greater sense of wellbeing at individual, family, neighbourhood and city-wide levels. They are as follows:

  1. Healthier
  2. Wealthier 
  3. Safer
  4. Greener
  5. Cleaner
  6. Fairer

Draft Priorities flowe

We are in listening mode and want to hear your views on the strategy before confirming the final version of the Corporate Strategy in February 2024. We want to ensure we are aligning our resources, delivery plans, supporting strategies and operational activities to achieving the key priorities set out above.

Have your say

This engagement exercise has now closed.

Read the Draft Corporate Strategy here

What happens next…

Feedback is currently being gathered from the engagement exercise and will be considered and reflected within the final Corporate Strategy 2024-2028.