Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Click and Easy: Support to go digital

Click and Easy

Click and easy image

Stoke-on-Trent City Council is going digital, and we want to show you just how quick and easy it is.

The demand for digital services is growing and we want to make sure that you can easily access council services 24/7. Digital services allow you to take control of how and when you access support and enables independence and enhances customer experience.

We are committed to ensuring you, our residents have the skills to access digital technology confidently.

Support available

To enable you to start your digital journey, the city council (along with partners) have a number of different pages for digital advice and support.

Support and education are really important so we have a number of short video tutorials online and staff at council venues across the city on hand to offer guidance on learning the basic digital skills to interact with the council online.

Video Tutorials

There are a number of short tutorial videos on how to do our most used/viewed council transactions.

Click and Easy Tutorial Videos


We have a number of libraries across the city where you can access computers. The libraries team will be on hand to offer support on how to log in.

Libraries Support

Local Centres

Our customer services team at Stoke Local Centre are here to help with a variety of council services.

Book an appointment here

Take a course with Adult Community Learning

There are a number of training courses available to help you upskill and support you to feel confident in accessing services online.

Adult Community Learning (ACL) Team: Our ACL team offer FREE courses/workshops for anyone with no or low digital skills. The training sessions include:

  • Using all types of technology – different devices and operating software
  • How to pay bills online
  • Job applications and
  • Online shopping

ACL: Digital Skills

You can also email the team on or call 01782 234775.

Digital Skill workshops

Do you know someone who's got a new computer? Do you want to learn how to get more out of the internet?

This workshop is suitable for you if want to learn how to use the internet but have limited or no experience using it. Essential digital skills can improve your confidence to use technology for work, learning and daily life. You can use the internet to shop online, order prescriptions as well as apply for jobs.

You can attend the following workshops:

  • The Employment and Skills Hub, Tunstall, ST6 5TJ
    Tuesday 14 March - 9.15am-12.15pm or 5.30pm-8.30pm
  • Blurton Community Hub, ST3 3JT
    Wednesday 29 March - 9.30am-12.30pm
  • Stoke Library, ST4 4SZ
    Monday 22 May- 9.15am-12.15pm

Please contact Adult Learning Stoke on 01782 234775 or email to book your FREE place.

Digital support at your local Library

Our libraries team have a let’s get digital service and a whole page dedicated to digital assistance. Across the libraries, we have digital champions who can help with specific council tasks and they also help residents to navigate the website.

They also run FREE dedicated digital sessions to help with the following:

  • Set up an email account
  • Apply for bus pass
  • complete online forms
  • Learn how to apply for jobs online
  • Search for job opportunities
  • Compile a cover letter
  • Create and update a CV
  • Register for a free UK Online IT course

Are you worried about staying safe online? You can contact us on or 01782 232196 for details of our upcoming sessions.

Libraries Support

VAST: Our digital volunteering partners

Our partners at VAST have a whole host of support around digital.

Discover Digital: This partnership was created by the Community Renewal Fun to offer help to people in the city around digital activity with a real focus on making sure that everyone can access the digital services they need.

The sessions available focus on:

  • Basic IT Skills
  • Getting Online
  • Safe Internet Usage
  • Getting to Grips with Social Media
  • Microsoft Office Skills
  • Digital Employability Skills for Young Adults with SEND Needs

VAST: Discover Digital