The Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSS AF)

The Energy Bills Support Scheme Alternative Funding (EBSS AF) is providing support of £400 for energy bills of households in England, Scotland and Wales without a direct relationship to a domestic electricity supplier.

Subject to applications meeting the eligibility criteria, people who will be able to receive support under EBSS AF include:

• Care home residents and others in care facilities/sheltered accommodation (wholly or partly self-funded)

• Park home residents, houseboats and caravans that can provide proof of address

• Social and private tenants who pay for energy through a landlord on a commercial supply

• Homes on a heat network/private wire

• Off-grid homes

• Farmhouses used for wholly domestic purposes

Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP)

The government is also providing a £200 Alternative Fuel Payment (AFP) to help cover energy costs for those households who use fuels such as biomass or heating oil.

Those households who will need to apply for the AFP, because they do not have a relationship with an electricity supplier, will be able to do so from Monday 27 February through the government’s website.

How to apply

If you are eligible for EBSS AF, you will need to fill out a short online form via the government’s website.

This form can be completed by following this link Apply for energy bill support if you do not get it automatically - GOV.UK (

A dedicated helpline is also available for residents who need support to complete an application or cannot apply online. You can apply by calling 0808 175 3287 Monday to Friday between 8am - 6pm. 

Applicants can only submit information through the government website and should not contact Stoke-on-Trent City Council directly regarding these schemes.