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Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO's)

Planning Rules for HMO's

When converting any residential house to a house of multiple occupation (HMO) you must apply for planning permission. 

Here are some of the rules below:

  • If you are converting a residential house into an HMO comprising six or fewer persons, you will not need to apply for planning permission for a change of use unless the property has restrictive planning conditions prohibiting such a change. However, if you are doing additional work in order to make the house HMO ready – for example, adding an extension or a new dormer – then planning permission may be required
  • If you are converting a residential house to an HMO comprising seven or more persons, or adding a seventh or greater person to an existing HMO, or providing cooking facilities within the bedrooms, then you will need to apply for change of use.
  • If you are converting a building that was not previously a residential house into an HMO, you may also require change of use. Typical examples of this are former factories, shops, pubs, places of worship, Childrens homes etc. All will require a change of use.

Click here to visit the Planning Portal to view any current planning application and submit comments.

Click here to apply for Planning Permission

Article 4

This is a piece of planning legislation which permits local authorities to require planning permission to be sought for an activity which would not normally require it. Currently, there are no article 4 designations in Stoke-on-Trent which relate specifically to the development of HMOs.

Please note: A property which is currently used for residential purposes and has or is proposed to have less than seven occupants does not require any planning permission.