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Garden Waste

Subscriptions are now closed

Subscriptions for the 2024-25 garden waste subscription season are now closed. If you're allready signed up, your collections will continue until the end of March 2025.  

To have your garden waste collected from April 2025 onwards, You will be able to sign up for the 2025-2026 season from February 10th 2025 by visiting stoke.gov.uk/gardenwaste

What is the Garden Waste Service?

The service is a fortnightly collection, providing 25 collections over a one-year period. Collections start from Monday 1 April 2024 to Monday 31 March 2025. There will be a two-week closure period for Christmas.


For a one-year subscription to the service it will cost £40.

How to pay

You will need to pay an annual payment of £40 by credit or debit card.

What happens when I have paid?

Once you have made your payment you will receive a confirmation e-mail. Your address will be added to the collection schedule and we will collect you bin on the scheduled date.  Please refer to the Bin Day Calendar View to find out when your collection day is. Please allow 10 working days from sign-up to receive your welcome pack, bin sticker and your first collection

Why do I have to pay?

Not everyone needs or uses the current garden waste collection service and making it a self-funding service enables us to provide the service for only those who want it.

There is no legal obligation for councils to collect garden waste free of charge. Over 70% of all local authorities in England now charge for garden waste collections as a non-essential, opt-in service.

Other ways to get rid of your garden waste

In order to provide residents with the opportunity to easily dispose of any garden waste which you may already have accumulated in your brown bin - and also to provide you with a little more time to subscribe to the garden waste collection service, all households will receive a one-off collection of garden waste before the subscription period commences on Monday 1 April 2024.

Residents are asked to present their garden waste bin on their scheduled recycling day during the weeks of Monday 18 March and Monday 25 March.

Any additional garden waste collections after this period will need to be subscribed to.

People who do not wish to use the garden waste subscription service may also wish to consider home composting.

You can also take your garden waste to your local Household Waste Recycling Centre (the tip).

Utilise the free disposal option at either of the two Household Waste Recycling Centres locations listed below:

  • Hanford, Campbell Rd, Hanford, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 4DX
  • Federation Road, Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent ST6 4HU

Click here for information including tip opening times