Extreme weather warning

Weather warnings for icy weather have been issued. Find out more about services related to snow, ice and cold weather here

Snow, Ice and cold weather

Coroners and inquests

On the 1st October, Stoke on Trent and North Staffordshire coroner's service will merge with South Staffordshire Coroner's Service, creating a new jurisdiction of Staffordshire and Stoke Coroner's Service.  We are in the process of building a new webpage and this will follow shortly.
The Coroners Office Team list inquests where possible to do so and all inquest hearings will be published on this site until the new coroner's website is available. However, in order to maximise court time, and listing flexibility, in addition to the published cases, we may also list throughout the week some cases which do not appear on this list where it is appropriate to do so.

Inquests timetable