What is adult education?
We offer learning opportunities for adults who live in Stoke on Trent and are aged 19 upwards.
Our wide range of courses can help you get new skills and re-connect with learning. Courses can help you follow an interest, grow in confidence, achieve a qualification, or prepare for employment.
There are a range of workshops and courses in the following areas:
- Online courses
- ICT (Information Communication Technology)
- Maths and English Functional Skills
- Leisure and pleasure courses
You will need to complete an enrolment form to complete any course or workshop with us.
You can complete your application for courses over the phone or face to face at the Employment and Skills Hub
If you come into a centre to complete your enrolment, you will need to bring the following documentation with you:
- ID: Passport, driving licence, other form of photo ID
- If required, proof of benefit status
- If required (if you earn less than £20,319), proof of income - must be dated within the past 3 months
- Proof of settled status - if relevant
- Proof of 3-year residency - if relevant
- Proof of British Citizenship - if relevant
- Proof of visa status - if relevant
If you have difficulty with the application process or do not have access to a computer where you can complete this, please call us on 01782 234775 for support- our phone-lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Thursday and 9am – 4.30pm on Fridays.
Advice and Guidance
Our engagement team are available and you can contact us for:
- information about courses and securing your place
- help with choosing the right course for you.
We work closely with the Jet ( Jobs, Enterprise and Training) team who can help to enhance your learner experience. Contact us if you would like more information about this.
Call 01782 234775– we are here to help
Latest Coronavirus Guidance
- Face coverings are not required in classrooms any longer, but learners are welcome to wear these if they would like to
- Please test before returning to our centres or twice a week - we have Lateral Flow Tests available
- If you have symptoms, please do not come in to the centres
You can find the city council's latest Covid-19 guidance by clicking the link below:
We are increasing our bank of Tutors at Adult and Community Learning, providing exciting opportunities to join us and make a difference to the lives of our Stoke-on-Trent residents.
Are you a Tutor wanting to make a difference for a few hours a week? Do you have a subject area you want to teach but haven’t been given the opportunity? Click the link below to find out more.
Casual Community Learning Tutor
Subcontractor Policy 2024-2025
This policy applies to all subcontracting activity that is supported by funds from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), the Education Funding Agency (EFA) or their successor organisations or other funding body for the delivery of Adult & Community Learning. You can read the policy by clicking the link below:
Adult and Community Learning: Subcontractor Policy 2024-2025