Site Information

We are currently working on a new Local Plan which will replace the existing Core Spatial Strategy.  The Local Plan is a statutory plan for the area and will ensure that long term policies and plans are in place to make sure the city takes shape in the future the way that is managed and meets the needs of local people and businesses. The plan’s time frame will cover 2020 – 2040 and will set out the strategic vision and objectives for the plan area. The Local Plan will therefore play an important role in:

  • Attracting and directing investment in housing, jobs, shops and facilities.
  • Seeking to meet community aspirations.
  • Setting a framework for encouraging and managing development.
  • Securing the physical infrastructure to support new development including; transport, telecommunications, water supply, energy, health and community facilities and the protection and enhancement of high-quality open spaces for both sport and recreation.
  • Protecting and enhancing of our natural and historic environment, including landscape.

Site information updates and submissions are invited in connection with the preparation of the draft local plan and to ensure we meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Potential housing sites must be capable of delivering five or more homes and potential commercial sites must be a minimum of 0.25ha (0.62 acres). 

There are no guarantees any site put forward will be allocated for development in the Local Plan.

A submitted site has no formal planning status, other than its current allocation or designation, or if it already has planning permission for development.

This would only change if:

  • it was formally allocated in the Local Plan as a location for some form of development
  • following the submission of a planning application it was granted planning permission before the adoption of the Local Plan

A site owner or prospective developer may seek planning permission for development of a site before the Local Plan land allocations are eventually decided upon, whether or not the site was submitted under the call for sites.

Sites allocated for development in the Local Plan would still need planning permission.

To apply for a site nomination form, complete the form below:

Site Nomination Form

For more information, please email