Extreme weather warning

Weather warnings for icy weather have been issued. Find out more about services related to snow, ice and cold weather here

Snow, Ice and cold weather

Comment on and search for planning applications

The quickest and easiest way to comment on, support or object to an application is to:

  • search our database for submitted applications
  • follow the 'Register’ link on the relevant planning application page 

Comments will appear alongside the planning application and supporting documents on our website.

We will let you know once we receive your comments.

All comments are open to public inspection as they form part of the legal register for planning applications. They are also published online.

We hide certain types of personal data you provide, such as your email address and signature, but your name, address and the comments you make are visible to the public

Do not put any personal or sensitive data (such as health or financial information) in your comments.  

Anonymous comments may be given less weight in the decision making process and we will also be unable to contact you with important updates.

Comments of a personal or offensive nature are removed and not considered. 

You can also ask your ward councillor to make a representation about a planning application on your behalf.

Search for and comment on a planning application
**Please note: If you use internet explorer, you may have difficulty opening some of the documents within the planning application link above. Please use another browser such as Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge**