Cabinet and council leader

Our cabinet is made up of the council leader and councillors who are chosen by the leader. Each cabinet member has an individual area of responsibility, also known as their portfolio.
The cabinet members are:

  • Councillor Jane Ashworth - Leader of the Council – Cabinet Member for Strategy, Economic Development, Culture and Sport   
  • Councillor Amjid Wazir - Deputy Leader of the Council Cabinet Member for City Pride, Enforcement and Sustainability
  • Councillor Sarah Hill - Cabinet Member for Children's Services 
  • Councillor Lynn Watkins - Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing
  • Councillor Alastair Watson - Cabinet Member for Financial Sustainability and Corporate Resources 
  • Councillor Chris Robinson - Cabinet Member for Housing and Planning
  • Councillor Majid Khan - Cabinet Member for Safe and Resilient Communities
  • Councillor Duncan Walker - Cabinet Member for Adult Services 
  • Councillor Sarah Jane Colclough - Cabinet Member for Education and Anti-poverty
  • Councillor Finlay Gordon-McCusker - Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Regeneration