Walley's Quarry

We are aware that some Stoke-on-Trent residents are being affected by the ongoing odour problems associated with Walley’s Quarry Landfill Site, Cemetery Road, Newcastle-under-Lyme.

If you are a resident of Stoke-on-Trent, please click here to report any issues. Thanks to those who have already done so.

Any complaints made will be recorded and considered by our Public Protection team, and automatically sent to the Environment Agency as the lead agency responsible for this issue as they regulate sites such as these. You will receive an email acknowledging receipt of your complaint and confirmation that it has been shared with the Environment Agency.

We would recommend that all residents who are impacted by the landfill, also contact the Environment Agency to register their concerns. To register for regular emails and to read the latest information on the approach they are taking, you can go to: https://consult.environment-agency.gov.uk/west-midlands/walleys-quarry-landfill-sliverdale/

You can also read the latest update on public health at: https://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Newsroom/Articles/2021/04-April/Statement-on-public-health-concerns-arising-from-odours-in-Newcastle-area.aspx

All the agencies involved are receiving large numbers of complaints so unfortunately it is not possible for us to provide individual updates to you, but please be assured that we are continuing to liaise with the Environment Agency and Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council and Staffordshire County Council to address the concerns of our residents.