Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Property asset register

The property asset register is a list of council-owned land and buildings.

It also contains details of properties in which the council has an interest, such as academies and church schools.

It does not however include housing managed properties.

Due to the nature of the information provided, the asset register is provided 'as is' and we makes no representations regarding its contents, and excludes all warranties as its quality or completeness. To the maximum extent permitted by law, the council excludes liability for any errors or omissions in the asset register and shall not be liable for any loss, injury or damage of any kind caused by its use.

View the asset map