Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Discounts and exemptions

In this section

  1. Discounts
  2. Exemptions


You may be entitled to a reduction in your council tax if you are the only occupier aged over 18 in your property, you are a student, or are severely mentally impaired.

Please note: You can claim a 25 per cent discount if there is only one adult living in the house.

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It's easier to access your account when you sign in. 

Sign in / Register Proceed without signing in

Type of discount Who does it include? What do we need?
  • their course lasts for at least 24 weeks and they are required to study for at least 21 hours per week during term time
  • 18 or 19-year-olds on a course of further (not higher) education, who are required to study for at least 12 hours per week during the day (evening classes don't count) and whose course lasts for at least three months
  • student nurses or midwives
  • foreign language assistants, such as those working in a school
  • the names of all the students living in the property
  • the name of the college or university they are attending
  • the name of their course
  • their date of birth
  • the start and end dates of their course
  • a copy of a student certificate from the institution confirming these details
  • if everyone living in the property is a student, there is a 100 per cent exemption

Please complete an application form online here

People with a severe mental impairment

To qualify, the qualifying person should be eligible to claim one or more of the following benefits:

  • severe disablement allowance
  • unemployability supplement
  • A disability working allowance
  • disability living allowance - higher or middle rate care component
  • attendance allowance
  • constant attendance allowance
  • incapacity benefit
  • income support (that includes a disability premium)
  • increased disablement pension for constant attendance
  • income support that includes a disability premium
  • unemployability allowance
  • personal independence payment – standard or higher rate of Daily living component
  • armed forces independence payment
  • The ‘limited capability for work’ or ‘the limited capability for work related elements’ of Universal Credit

Please complete an application form online here

Single Person Discount

If you are the only person aged 18 or over living in your property, you can apply or Single Person Discount. You can also use this form to cancel your Single Person Discount.

Please complete an application form online here


You may also qualify for a discount if your household includes:

Type of discount Who does it include? What do we need?
  • those employed to learn a trade or profession
  • on a training programme leading to a qualification accredited by the Qualifications and Curriculums Authority
  • receiving a salary or allowance of less than £195 per week
Apprentices online application form
Care workers
  • must live in the home of the person they care for
  • employed for at least 24 hours per week by a charitable body or the local authority to provide care
  • weekly salary of less than £44
Care workers online application form
People are 18 or over who still qualify for child benefit


  • copy of a letter from the child benefit office confirming child benefit is still being paid
  • This document can be sent up us via the evidence upload feature using the below link:

Evidence upload portal

People age 18 or 19 who are still at school or have recently left school
  • doing a further (not higher) education course, such as at sixth form, Newcastle-under-Lyme or Stoke-on-Trent colleges
  • or those who finished the course after May 1 but before October 31 (if granted, this discount will run until October 31 of the year the course ended)
  • attending the school or colleage for at least 12 hours per week
  • a student certificate from the school or college

Online application form

People caring for someone with a disability (not their spouse or a child under 18) 

The person being cared for must claim one of the following:

  • attendance allowance
  • care component of a disability living allowance at the highest rate
  • an increase in disablement pension under section 104 of the social security contributions and benefits act 1992
  • constant attendance allowance
  • the daily living component of person independence payments (standard or enhanced rate)


  • the person claiming must live in the same house as the person they are caring for
  • they must be providing care for at least 35 hours per week
Online application form
Job-related second homes provided by your employer (such as a pub landlord/tenant, member of the clergy, school caretaker) 
  • the property has to be provided by the employer as part of the employment contract, which needs to specify a particular address
  • a copy of the part of the employment contract specifying the address
  • This document can be sent up us via the evidence upload feature using the below link:

Evidence upload portal

People in prison
  • includes those on remand, but not people in prison for the the non-payment of council tax or fines
  • people detained under mental health grounds in a hospital or somewhere else as a result of a court order
  • those detained under immigration law
  • the address where they are detained and their prison number, if they have one
  • the date they were detained and their release date, if known

Online application form

People living in a hospital or care home  
  • the address of the hospital or care home
  • the date they first went into the home or hospital (such as the start of the assessment period for residential homes)
  • whether or not the stay is permanent

Online application form