Streetworks Licence (Section 50)

The right to excavate the highway can be extended to any private individual, developer or contractor on application to the Highway Authority for a Street Works Licence. The licence grants temporary authority to excavate the highway for the duration of those works.

The need to obtain a street works licence applies to any person or organisation (other than anyone acting under a statutory right) who wishes to place, retain and thereafter inspect, maintain, adjust, repair, alter or renew apparatus, or change its position or remove it from the highway.

Before submitting your application, please consult with our Planning team to establish whether or not planning permission is required for the work.

Section 58

Work is not allowed on some roads in the city due to Section 58 restrictions. View information on Section 58 to see if there is a restriction in force on the road you wish to work on before completing a Section 50 application.


Please note: Fees must be paid with the application...

New apparatus:

  • Administration fees - £350.00

Existing apparatus:

  • Administration fees - £350.00

When applying for a Streetworks Licence

When completing the application form, please ensure you have the following information to hand as this will also need to be included for your application to be considered:

  • payment required at application stage
  • consult with  if works are connected to a new development (if applicable)
  • provide a Section 106 agreement if works are new sewer connections (if applicable)
  • provide a detailed plan of proposal clearly showing the proposed location (and route if applicable)
  • provide 1:500 min scale plan of proposed new apparatus (if applicable)
  • provide a copy of your company’s registration or official letterhead
  • provide a copy of your Public Liability Insurance for £10 million cover (minimum)
  • obtain plans of all utilities plant and submit copies to this department
  • provide copies of Supervisor/Ganger and Operatives NRSWA cards
  • provide a Method Statement if works involve excavation depths of over 1.5m (if applicable)
  • complete traffic management application form (if applicable)
  • provide a comprehensive Traffic/Pedestrian Management Plan complying to Chapter 8 of Highways Act (if applicable).

To apply for a Streetworks licence (Section 50), email for an application form.