More than 250 private-sector homes across Stoke-on-Trent are now more energy efficient thanks to a £2.6 million investment.
Stoke-on-Trent City Council delivered grant funding of £2,626,604 through the third phase of the government’s Local Authority Delivery (LAD) scheme, which aims to reduce fuel poverty by raising the energy efficiency of the homes of low-income households.
In total, 336 energy efficiency measures have been delivered to 254 eligible households over the last 18 months, including external and internal wall insulation, loft and roof insulation, cavity wall insulation and solar panels.
This work complements ongoing efforts by the city council to lift households out of fuel poverty and ensure all residents can live in safe and warm homes.
Last week (December 12) the authority agreed to adopt the 2023-2028 Fuel Poverty Strategy which outlines its commitment to providing help, advice and support to struggling families and invest millions of pounds in improving the energy efficiency of council-owned homes across the city.
It comes after new data found Stoke-on-Trent to have the second highest rate of fuel poverty in England – with 22.9 per cent of households living in fuel poverty compared to 13.1 per cent nationally.
Councillor Chris Robinson, cabinet member for housing, regeneration and planning, said: “This scheme has been an overwhelming success. We were initially awarded £1.2 million but the contractor exceeded targets which enabled us to apply for further funding to deliver more measures help even more households. I would like to extend a thank you to everybody who has been involved in this project.”
Councillor Robinson added: “In addition to this scheme, we launched our DAMP campaign last month to tackle damp, mould and condensation and we adopted a new Fuel Poverty Strategy at cabinet last week to lift households out of fuel poverty.
“We’re also committed to investing millions of pounds into our own housing stock over the next five years, to install central heating systems and energy efficiency measures, as part of our capital investment programme.
“We are making it our priority to ensure all of our residents can live in safe and warm homes and this extends to home owners, council tenants and private renters.
Burslem resident Andy Mackay had external wall insulation installed at his home as part of the scheme.
The 57-year-old said: “The process took about a year. My energy company and the contractors were generally great and the Private Sector Housing Team at Stoke-on-Trent City Council was really helpful supervising the work and kept me well informed throughout the process. I’m really grateful to them all.
“I personally think the work has really improved the appearance of my property and, as winter approaches, I’m looking forward to enjoying the benefits of my newly-insulated home.
“All in all, it’s been a great scheme for me because there’s no way I could have afforded to make these energy-saving improvements to my home.”
The work was delivered in partnership with Broad Oak Properties Limited, based in Kingsley Moor, which was appointed principal contractor for the scheme.
To mark its success, representatives from Broad Oak and the city council donated 254 boxes of mince pies to the Stoke-on-Trent Foodbank in Blurton.
Chris Sayers, Green Home Grant co-ordinator at Broad Oak, said: “We feel that donating 254 boxes of mince pies to support our local foodbank was a nice way to mark the success of the scheme. Overall, 254 properties have benefited from the upgrades and it’s been a real pleasure to be a part of it.”
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