Detail of a previous opportunity to supply the council

Tender and Quotation Opportunities

Please find details of your selected tender and quotation opportunity below :

TitleDr BIke Sessions in schools
Contract Reference NumberCR2014/1439
Information14 days of Dr. Bike provision, on dates to be arranged between May 2014 and March 2015. This will require undertaking bicycle safety checks, making minor adjustments and some repairs. Repairs are likely to be limited to replacement of brake cables, guide-pipes, brake blocks and similar. Please indicate the kind of repairs that you are able to undertake and any additional costs this may incur. Sourcing of spare parts is negotiable, though tenders should include an indication of cost were they to provide spare parts. The number of bikes expected is likely to vary significantly from school to school. The venues will include schools, but may be in public spaces. Providers must be able to provide full workshop facilities in a mobile context, for example school playgrounds. Providers will be able to provide evidence of experience in delivery of similar events. Providers will be able to provide evidence of professional qualifications, at least to Cytech Level 2 or equivalent. Providers will carry requisite professional and public liability insurance.
Award CriteriaMEAT
Is the opportunity suitable for small and medium businessesNo
This is being advertised on the Stoke-on-Trent City Council website, Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Closing Date/Time21/05/2014 12:30:00
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Contact DetailsSarah Grattage
01782 234968

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