Detail of a previous opportunity to supply the council

Tender and Quotation Opportunities

Please find details of your selected tender and quotation opportunity below :

TitleConstruct a new stone footpath on public open space off Clough Street Hanley
Contract Reference Numberpl/2014/238
Informationconstruct a new 271metre long x 1200mm wide x 100mm deep stone footpath at the public open space off Clough Street Hanley
Award CriteriaMEAT
Is the opportunity suitable for small and medium businessesNo
This is being advertised on the Stoke-on-Trent City Council website, Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Closing Date/Time23/12/2014 12:00:00
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Contact DetailsCraig Howell

To view current tender and quotation opportunities please click here
To view past tender and quotation opportunities please click here