Showing 1 to 5 of 6 events.
Story Bears
Join us on an adventure as we step into the exciting world of books and stories. Story Bears sessions last approximately 30 minutes and allow children to enjoy stories read aloud by library staff.
Physiotherapy- led Pilates
In APPI Pilates classes, you can expect a unique blend of traditional Pilates and physiotherapy principles. These classes cater to all fitness levels and emphasise precise & controlled movements.
Hanley Park Wednesday Walking Group
Gently paced led walk around the park lasting around 45 mins. Aimed at over 50s but anyone over 18 welcome to join us. Chance to get a bit of gentle exercise and meet new friends.
Dimensions National Fitness Day
Join us for National Fitness Day on Wednesday 18 September! Bring a friend along to your gym session or exercise class for free and enjoy exciting challenges and events.
National Fitness Day at Fenton Manor Sports Complex
Join us for the UK's biggest celebration of health & fitness - National Fitness Day on Wednesday 18 September.