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Local community group raise funds to support musical education for thousands of local children

Published: Friday, 1st March 2024

The Stoke-on-Trent City Youth Choir have been presented with a cheque for £183 from the Birches Head and Northwood Volunteers Community Group.

The local community group have helped to raise money to help fund musical education for pupils in Stoke-on-Trent. The fundraising comes alongside their efforts to clear up our city, carrying out litter picks and gardening activities.

Dave Fern from Birches Head and Northwood Volunteers Community Group said: “We were thrilled to have the City Youth Choir join us at our Community Christmas Tree Extravaganza. The children were a wonderful addition to our annual event, and we were delighted to be able to donate to such a worthwhile and valuable service. We look forward to collaborating in the future.”

The City Youth Choir City is organised by the City Music Service (CMS) and is based at The Bridge Centre, Birches Head. The City Music Service has given thousands of children in the city a musical education since its establishment in 2002. In 2022/23:

  • 8,047 pupils from early years to year 13 engaged in weekly high-quality teaching
  • 93% of schools either received teaching or took part in professional development concerts
  • 2,084 young people took part in 81 CMS ensembles
  • 3,374 pupils took part in whole class instrumental teaching

Councillor Desiree Elliott, cabinet member for education, skills and anti-poverty said: “I’d like to thank the Birches Head and Northwood Volunteers Community Group for helping to support the City Music Service to deliver their fantastic teaching to children across the city.

“Community groups like this are a vital part of our local communities and the City Music School provides a really important service to youngsters across the city so it’s wonderful to see them working together. I know this money will go towards fantastic opportunities for young people, not only in a high-quality musical education but also the opportunity to perform on prestigious stages like the Victoria Hall.

“I know the Birches Head and Northwood Volunteers Community Group make a huge contribution to their local area. Through fundraising drives like this and also helping to keep our city clean.”

Councillor Amjid Wazir, cabinet member for city pride, enforcement and sustainability said: "The fundraising efforts by the Birches Head and Northwood Volunteers Community Group for the children of Stoke-on-Trent City Youth Choir are admirable. We are actively encouraging everyone to play their part and help get the pride back in Stoke-on-Trent. It really is amazing what we can achieve when communities come together. Great work by all."

Residents can find more information on the City Music Service at or can contact or call 01782 233796.