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City council supports multi-agency ‘week of action’ across town centres in Stoke-on-Trent

Longton Published: Thursday, 7th December 2023

City council supports multi-agency ‘week of action’ across town centres in Stoke-on-Trent

Teams from Stoke-on-Trent City Council joined Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service for a week-long, multi-agency ‘week of action’ across town centres in Stoke-on-Trent last week.

The coordinated partnership approach saw teams from Community Development, Trading Standards, Community Drug and Alcohol Services, Rough Sleepers Team and the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA, targeting identified locations with increased crime and anti-social behaviour, to provide reassurance and engagement to local businesses and the public, and offer support to individuals who are presenting with substance misuse, mental health and homelessness needs.

Two encampments were removed in Longton and Hanley that were causing anti-social behaviour issues. The city council does not accept unauthorised encampments on council-owned land or on public highways, however those who were at the encampment were engaged with and supported with accommodation.

Part of the week was dedicated to cleaning up and investigating areas impacted by illegal dumping. During the course of the week the Environmental Crime Team issued 8 Fixed Penalty Notices.

Engagement opportunities like the ‘week of action’ also give teams the chance to assess parking and road conditions. Across the week, 38 Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) were issued at traffic and parking hotspots. In Burslem a vehicle was clamped and removed for the non-payment of a PCN. The DVLA also identified and seized vehicles with no car tax.

Councillor David Williams, cabinet member for community safety and resilience said: “We have really strong relationships with our partners and support organisations across the city, which helps to make these regular events such a success.

“Over the course of the week numerous issues were identified and work has been done or is now underway to resolve them.

“By working together in partnership with agencies and local communities we can tackle the root causes of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour, and build a safer, stronger and more confident city.”

Inspector Hayley Eaton, from the Stoke North local policing team, said: “Initiatives like this help us to work closely with our partners to target crime, reduce anti-social behaviour and support the vulnerable across key locations in Stoke-on-Trent.

“We are committed to acting on community concerns, tackling the issues which matter most to residents and businesses and continuing to carry out local initiatives collectively with our partners.”

If you are concerned about anyone sleeping rough, contact the Outreach Team on 0800 970 2304 or via the Streetlink website.

Illegal dumping can be reported to Environmental Crime on 01782 234234 or via email at and the Drug and Alcohol Service can be contacted on 01782 283113.

The week of action comes as a new strategy which will tackle crime, disorder, anti-social behaviour and substance misuse in the city was approved at a full council meeting today.

The Stoke-on-Trent Community Safety Strategy 2024-2027 has been developed following a detailed local assessment of crime, disorder and ASB in the city. The council also undertook an extensive community consultation over the summer which engaged with over 750 residents, plus hundreds of school children, so that the plans respond to their needs and wishes.

Councillor David Williams continued: “Moving forward we have set priorities to focus on alongside partners to tackle community safety issues; they are priorities residents have told us they feel strongly about and are issue we know are affecting our city.”