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City council supports multi-agency ‘week of action’ across town centres in Stoke-on-Trent

Published: Monday, 3rd July 2023

City council supports multi-agency ‘week of action’ across town centres in Stoke-on-Trent

Teams from Stoke-on-Trent City Council joined Staffordshire Police and Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Service for a week-long, multi-agency ‘week of action’ across town centres in Stoke-on-Trent last week.

The coordinated partnership approach saw teams from Community Development, Community Drug and Alcohol Services and Rough Sleepers Team, targeting identified locations with increased crime and anti-social behaviour, to provide reassurance and engagement to local businesses and the public, and offer support to individuals who are presenting with substance misuse, mental health and homelessness needs.

The Week of Action kicked off in the city centre with a focus on helping the homeless. Councillor Chris Robinson, Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s cabinet member for housing, met with representatives from Staffordshire Police, Staffordshire Fire, Brighter Futures and the Department for Work and Pensions to talk about what is being done to support rough sleepers and homeless people in Stoke-on-Trent. The organisations were on hand to make people aware of the support they could receive and signpost them to other agencies who may be able to help.

Part of the week was also dedicated to cleaning up and investigating areas impacted by illegal dumping. During the course of the week the Environmental Crime Team issued 43 Fixed Penalty Notices.

Antisocial behaviour hotspots were visited and partners worked together to address concerns. Issues were found at Manchester Court in Burslem and were quickly raised with the property manager who then actioned.

Work also took place to identify empty buildings and land that are insecure or unsafe with follow up work continuing with the owner.

Engagement opportunities like the ‘week of action’ also give teams the chance to speak to residents on what community safety matters they feel need addressing, teams did surveys in towns each day including around Tesco, Next and the Exchange Precinct in Longton.

Councillor David Williams, cabinet member for communities, education and safety at Stoke-on-Trent City Council joined colleagues in Burslem and Tunstall during the week.

Cllr Williams said: “When we are out on your doorsteps you tell us about your concerns. We all want to feel safe where we live and where we work but too often you tell us that you're worried about antisocial behaviour and crime.

“Over the course of the week you have told us your thoughts on the illegal dumping of rubbish, litter, rough sleeping and drugs. We are acting on your concerns and we want to speak to you as we develop our plans.

“Weeks of actions like this, ran in a coordinated manner with partners allow us to target and identify locations with increased crime and anti-social behaviour.”

Inspector Hayley Eaton, of the Stoke North LPT, said: “We’ve had a successful and busy week working with partners to solve the issues that really matter to local communities.

“We have listened to recent reports and concerns and agreed on co-ordinated activity that the police, local authority and our wider partners can take to help tackle these priorities.

“There have been some really positive results and it’s been a great opportunity for us to focus our efforts on each area across the city with lots of community engagement. However, this action is not a one off and the hard work continues beyond this week for us.

“We are committed to addressing residents’ concerns and ensuring that Stoke-on-Trent is a safe and pleasant place for people to live, work and visit.”

If you are concerned about anyone sleeping rough, contact the Outreach Team on 0800 970 2304 or via the Streetlink website.

Illegal dumping can be reported to Environmental Crime on 01782 234234 or via email at environmental.crime@stoke.gov.uk and the Drug and Alcohol Service can be contacted on 01782 283113.