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Red Route installation confirmed for problematic street

Published: Tuesday, 30th August 2022

Red Route installation confirmed for problematic street

Stoke-on-Trent City Council will be commencing works on Sneyd Street on Wednesday 31 August, with works estimated to take three days to complete.

The Red Route will be in force from Monday 5 September and operational between 8:30am – 9:30 am and 2:30pm – 3:3 pm. The timings are to assist residents with minimal disruption.

The decision has been made after concerns were raised about illegal parking, congestion, anti-social behaviour, and the obstruction of residents’ access near Sneyd Green Primary School.

Councillor Daniel Jellyman, cabinet member for regeneration, infrastructure and heritage said: “This red route will address the illegal parking and anti-social behaviour caused by inconsiderate parking close to the school. Concerns were raised by the school and local residents and the City Council has now taken action. We hope this will encourage parents and their children to walk to school in a safer environment, improving their health and wellbeing”. 

Works include:

  • Installation of single/double red route markings to reflect existing time restrictions.
  • Installation of appropriate red route signage.
  • Installation of Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras for enforcement purposes.

A public consultation was carried out with the direct frontagers and stakeholders. The consultees were sent a letter and a plan of the proposed scheme. During this consultation period, the Traffic Regulation Order was also advertised and objections were invited.

All of the responses received were in favour of the scheme being implemented. No negative responses or objections were received to the advertised Traffic Regulation Order.