A consultation event is being held on plans for the Etruscan Square development in Stoke-on-Trent city centre.

Published: Tuesday, 22nd February 2022

Residents & local businesses are being urged to have their say on the landmark scheme, which made headlines in November when it received £20 million in backing from the Government’s Levelling Up fund.

The event on Thursday, March 3 will give people the chance to find out more about the mixed-use regeneration scheme for the heart of the city centre that will deliver a vibrant ‘cultural hub’ of food and drink outlets and a purpose-built arena and event space. The seven-acre development, on the site of the former East West Precinct, will also include office space, a hotel, homes, a multi-storey car park and extensive landscaping and planting.

Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s aspirations for the city centre have led the design, with the development aiming to deliver:

  • Pedestrian connections to the city centre, in particular the existing retail centre, Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, Victoria Hall and the bus station;
  • A desirable place to live, with a mix of unit sizes creating a new community;
  • A modern flexible, commercial offering;
  • A destination to visit and stay, with food and drink outlets, a hotel and arena where people can come together to enjoy events in the city;
  • A safe and accessible place to park, to include disabled and electric vehicle charging bays, cycle / scooter hire and storage.

Cllr Daniel Jellyman, cabinet member for infrastructure, regeneration and heritage, said: “In November we received £20 million in Levelling Up funding to help deliver this landmark project, and in January we revealed its new name, Etruscan Square. We know there is lots of interest in this development and we’re now at the stage where we want to hear what people think about it, before the various planning applications are submitted in the near future.

“This is a really exciting time and a once-in-a-generation chance to develop a high-profile site in the city centre effectively from scratch. You don’t get opportunities like this very often and we’re focused on creating something unique and lasting for Stoke-on-Trent, that would offer social and economic impact and benefit on an unprecedented scale for the next 20 to 30 years.”

The plans will be on show at Potteries Museum and Art Gallery, in Bethesda Street, between 12pm and 7pm.