Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Commercial Pipeline

Commercial Pipeline Opportunities

The purpose of Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s commercial pipeline is to provide a summary of the council’s anticipated procurement activities over the next 18 months in order to enable current and future suppliers to identify potential contract opportunities.

It includes, amongst other things, details of anticipated procurement opportunities whose estimated contract value is £50,000 or more. Suppliers are encouraged to use such information to assist them in developing new and innovative services, contributing to the development of a diverse market and better outcomes for Stoke-on-Trent.

Information published in the council’s commercial pipeline list is provided for planning purposes only and does not create any commitment to undertake all or any of the activities as set out in such list, it is only an indication of potential opportunities. Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information published in the council’s procurement pipeline list is accurate at the time of publication, the council does not make any representations or warranties of any kind, in relation to the accuracy of the information.

IDContract RefDescriptionEstimated Procurement DateEstimated Contract Start DateEstimated Contract LengthEstimated Contract ValueEstimated Extension OptionEstimated Extension ValuePlanned Procurement RouteExisting Contract NameSupporting CommentsLast Updated
26696HDG/2023/545Electricty supply for SoTCC commercial estate01/10/202301/04/202412 months£6000000.00 months£DPSSupply of Electricty12 month contract for the supply of electricity for our commercial estate which will align with other council assets energy supplies for future bulk purchasing options in line with the SoTCC Energy Strategy 10/02/2025
26697HDG/2023/546 Supply of Gas to SoTCC commercial estate.01/10/202301/04/202412 months£2500000.00 months£DPSSupply of Gas12 month contract for the supply of gas for our commercial estate which will align with other council assets energy supplies for future bulk purchasing options in line with the SoTCC Energy Strategy.10/02/2025
26698ASCHIW/2023/444Procurement of an electronic monitoring and scheduling system to aid the operation of our Enablement care team.01/04/202401/10/202424 months£120000.0012+12 months£120000.00external frameworkElectonic call monitoring systemThe contract is due to end 30th September 2024 and a new system will be required to be procured. 10/02/2025
26699H&C/2019/209The Domestic Abuse housing related support service will provide support for victims of domestic abuse or those may be at risk of experiencing domestic abuse01/09/202401/04/202536 months£300000.0012 + 12 months£200000.00Open TenderHoneycomb Charitable Services LimitedThe current housing related support provides support for victims of domestic abuse in safe accommodation. 10/02/2025
26700H&C/2019/203The service will provide housing related support to homeless families in the city. The model of support will provide accommodation based provision and follow on resettlement support where appropriate for vulnerable families with children, expectant females and lone parents/guardians who are homeless. The service will be outcomes focused and support will be geared towards preparation for independent living. 01/09/202401/04/202536 months£333000.0012+12 months£222000.00Open TenderHomeless Familes - Housing Related SupportN/A10/02/2025
26701H&C/2019/208The young person's service will provide support for vulnerable young people (including care leavers) to help equip them with the skills for independent living and to build robust pathways for success01/09/202401/04/202536 months£773000.0012+12 months£515000.00Open TenderYoung Persons - Housing Related Support ServiceTo deliver a housing related support service for all young people aged 16-25 within a range of accommodation settings and irrespective of tenure.10/02/2025
26702H&C/2019/201The young person's service will provide support for vulnerable young people (including care leavers) to help equip them with the skills for independent living and to build robust pathways for success01/09/202401/04/202536 months£310000.0012+12 months£206000.00Open TenderYoung Persons - Housing Related SupportTo deliver a housing related support service exclusively for expectant teenage mothers, vulnerable teenage couples with children or lone teenage parents aged 16-19 years old.10/02/2025
26703ASCHIW/2022/315To deliver safe and effective drug and alcohol prevention, treatment and recovery services for children, young people and adults, whilst also supporting affected family members. 15/09/202301/04/202460 months months£30122100.0012+12 months£42170940.00Open tender Community drug and alcohol service (CDAS)It is proposed that the new contract length is five years with the option to extend for a further two years (5 +1+1) from 1 April 2024. This would enable the service provider to: develop longer term strategies to reduce the number of people in treatment and increase those in recovery; negotiate more favourable terms with landlords and other contractors; provide greater stability for the workforce and impact positively on the outcomes of the people using the services. The new contract will ensure a high-quality treatment and effective recovery system is in place in the City, whilst embedding the additional investment as part of the implementation of the National Drugs Strategy at a local level. The vision is to create a culture of greater local partnership working and accountability, whilst improving outcomes for the most vulnerable people in the City. 10/02/2025
26704HDG/2023/560Tender for a consultant to prepare a report setting out the preferred uses and design principles, and a regeneration strategy for the Spode Pottery Works to enable the procurement and appointment of a development partner.21/09/202320/11/20233 months£70000.00 months£Existing framework - externaln/aN/A10/02/2025
26705ASCHIW/2023/452Contract for the provision of Mental Health Assessors undertaking Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments04/03/202401/10/202424 months£400000.00 months£Contract for the provision of Mental Health Assessors undertaking Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Assessments10/02/2025
26706ASCHIW/2023/450Procurement of care and support providers in supported living24/09/202301/04/2024120 months£145000000.000 months£0.00Establish a DPS style frameworkn/aProvision of care and support for supported living10/02/2025
26707ASCHIW/2023/451Purchase of Provision of Care in Care Homes for Older People & Younger Adults06/05/202401/10/202436 months£99000000.0012+12 months£66000000.00Renewal of existing frameworkAgreement relating to the Provision of Care in Care Homes for Older People & Younger AdultsRenew the agreement relating to placements in residential and nursing provision10/02/2025
26708ASCHIW/2023/453The new remodeled contract for provision of Extra Care and Homecare services. 31/05/202401/04/202536 months£37385655.0012+12 months£24923770.00Open tenderHomecare:1. Guaranteed Minimum Hours Domiciliary Care (Contract No. PHASCS/2018/37) 2. Domiciliary Care Framework(Contract No.PHASCS/2018/37) 3. Domiciliary Care Spot Contracts Extra Care: 1. Non-PFI Care Provision (ASCHIW/2023/427) 2. Non-PFI Care Provision (ASC/2018/37) 3. PFI Care Provision (ASCHIW/2019/12)Stoke-on-Trent City Council is currently starting to plan works for the 2025 remodel of Homecare & Extra Care. The desired start date for the new provision is 1 April 2025. 10/02/2025
26709PH/2023/375The council requires an integrated Leisure Management System and Direct Debits for the Leisure & Wellbeing Services Department that supports the operational, tactical and strategic management of leisure. In turn to provide a seamless experience for our customers.01/12/202401/05/20253 years months£200000.00 months£Open tenderLapsed contractA full specification has been written and we are working with the Digital Board to go to tender ASAP.10/02/2025
26710CA&FS - CSC/2023/687We are looking at re-commissioning the Independent Specialist Placements (ISP) Framework to implement a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)08/04/202402/09/202410 +1 +1 months£124000000.00 months£We are currently looking at re-comissioning our Indepedent Specialist Placements (ISP) Framework, the preference is currently to develop at Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). This project is yet to be taken to the appropriate boards for approval. If approved the aim is to have the DPS in place for September 2024.10/02/2025
26711S&R/2023/112The establishment of a framework to allow public bodies in Staffordshire, Shropshire, Derbyshire and Cheshire to access the professional services they require to support Works contracts. This will replace an existing framework which covers the time period 2020-24. It will include 15 disciplines including (but not limited to) architecture, surveying, engineering and project management.16/10/202301/02/202448 months£40000000.00 months£Establishing a framework via competitive processProfessional Services in the Built Environment.10/02/2025
26712HDG/2023/568Static CCTV cameras for the enforcement of bus gates and red routes identified within the Bus Service Improvement Plan.01/12/202301/12/202360 months£1000000.000 months£0.00Purchase from an existing frameworkTaranto Systems10/02/2025
26713CAFS/2023/110The West Midlands Fostering Framework (WMFF) contract provides access to quality assured foster homes through Independent Foster Agencies (IFAs) for our children and young people. Key aims of the WMFF include; placement sufficiency, stability and improved outcomes for young people, through offering high quality homes and support. Foster homes support our children to stay connected to their communities and networks and offer a safe nurturing environment. Providers on the WMFF framework support the City Council to care for local children so that they are achieving, happy and healthy, supporting children and young people with preparing for adulthood.26/10/202301/04/202436 months£40000000.0012 months£13500000.00External FrameworkWest Midlands Fostering Framework 202010/02/2025
26714HDG/2023/573 Grant repair works on buildings within Longton Conservation Area.06/11/202308/01/202412 months£110000.00 months£Open tender10/02/2025
26715SC, HI & W/2023/0Respite/Block Book Bed provision, 5 x beds in Oder Peoples Residential Homes in order to provide emergency or planned respite in order to prevent carer breakdown01/11/202330/09/202410 months£169000.00 months£purchase from existing frameworkN/A10/02/2025
26716S & R/2023/147Single supplier framework agreement for a voice and data cabling installation, maintenance and repair service on a call off basis for the Council's office properties and data centres, including the provision of cabling infrastructure design and the installation of electrical wiring, power sockets and UPS.01/11/202301/04/202448 months£420000.00N/A months£0.00Open TenderData Network Cabling10/02/2025
26717CAFS/2023/120Provision of Emergency Hormonal Contraception by local pharmacies01/03/202401/07/202460 months£600000.0024+24 months£400000.00Likely to be awarded to all local pharmacies via Negotiated Procedure without Prior PublicationEmergency Hormonal Contraception10/02/2025
26718CA&FS - CSC/2023/690To provide range of short breaks to children with disabilities01/04/202401/09/202460 months£2000000.000 months£0.00Open or Competitive DialogueAiming High Short Breaks CA&FS-CSC/2018/24410/02/2025
26719CAFS/2023/122Mental Health and Emotional Wellbeing support for children01/08/202401/01/202560 months£1500000.0060 months£1500000.00Open Tender - possibly joint with ICBStay Well CA&FS - CSC/2019/27410/02/2025
26720CAFS/2023/121Utilising DfE grant to provide holiday activities and food, primarily to children entitled to free school meals01/10/202401/04/202560 months£6000000.000 months£0.00OpenHAF Programme10/02/2025
26721CAFS/2023/123Framework or DPS for independent schools needed by children with SEND01/04/202401/09/20244 to 10 years depending on whether framework or DPS months£71600000.000 months£0.00Open10/02/2025
26722CAFS/2023/124Establish an approved list (framework or DPS) of supported accommodation providers.01/07/202401/01/202548 months£13892000.000 months£0.00OpenLocal Supported Accommodation Framework CSC/2021/58410/02/2025
26723ASCHIW/2023/432The NHS Health Check is a check-up for adults in England aged 40 to 74. It can help spot early signs of stroke, kidney disease, heart disease, type 2 diabetes or dementia01/08/202401/04/202536 months£510000.0012+12 months£340000.00open tenderNHS Health Checks10/02/2025
26724PGP/2017/266Upgrade and maintain the traffic signals in the City01/07/202301/03/202424 months£5.0012+12 months£5.00openTraffic signal and LED lighting 10/02/2025
26725S & R/2023/134Cretaing a framework of suitable recruitment agencies to assist in the recruitment to Senior Officers (Level 2 and above) as and when required. 01/12/202301/01/202424 months months£75000.00+ 12 months£25000.00Open tenderExecutive recruitment 10/02/2025
26726HDG/2023/577Appointment of consultants to produce a framework for the Stoke town - City Centre corridor area.16/10/202306/11/20236 months£150000.00 months£Existing external framework (Homes England DARTS framework)n/a10/02/2025
26727HDG/2023/578Construction services for the refurbishment of Woodview children's home (170 Weston Coyney Road) 01/07/202402/09/202414 months£2000000.0014+6 months£TBCn/a10/02/2025
26728HDG/2023/579Construction of Watermill satellite SEN school, Turnhurst Road.01/01/202401/04/202414 months£8500000.0014+3 months£Open tender - TBCn/a10/02/2025
26729HDG/2023/562Demolition of existing pavilion and reinstatement with new pavilion which is to be CAT transferred to Middleport Matters Community Group following completion. Works are funded from a combination of CIF Grant monies and Youth Investment Funds which Middeport Matters hold.06/11/202305/02/202420 months£200000.000 months£0.00Open tender through ProContract Portal10/02/2025
26730CAFS/2023/116Local Supported Accommodation for young people 16-18 (and up to 21 where applicable) in care, on the edge or care, care leavers and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) 01/03/202601/11/202636 months£6675858.0012 + 12 months£4450572.00Full framework tenderLocal Supported Accommodation for young people 16-18 (and up to 21 where applicable) in care, on the edge or care, care leavers and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) 10/02/2025
26731CAFS/2023/111 CHILDREN'S HOMES FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE WITH EMOTIONAL AND/OR BEHAVIOURAL DIFFICULTIES 14/04/202415/12/202436 months£45000000.0012+12 months£30000000.00open tenderWest Midlands Flexiable Residential Framework10/02/2025
26732HDG/2023/581Recycling, Recovery and Disposal of Street Sweepings and Gully Waste01/10/202331/10/202336 months£240000.001+1 months£160000.00Open tendern/a10/02/2025
26733CA&FS - CSC/2023/688TIIAG - NEET Tracking Service To commission a NEET Tracking Service Provider to ensure that this specific data is provided to the DfE Current proposal 3 +1 +1 years06/11/202301/01/202436 months£600000.0012 + 12 months£400000.00open tender n/a10/02/2025
26734HDG/2023/380To undertake the construction of individual infrastructure schemes including: works on and off the highway; drainage; bridge and structural maintenance and landscape schemes31/10/202331/05/202424 months£9000000.0012+12 months£8000000.00open tendern/a10/02/2025
26735HDG/2023/583Cycle training delivery31/10/202301/05/202436 months£500000.0036+12 months£200000.00open tenderBikeability10/02/2025
26736HDG/2023/584Consultancy support to help deliver BSIP Programme 01/12/202331/01/202418 months£750000.000 months£0.00internal framworkn/a10/02/2025
26737HDG/2023/588Contractor to deliver bus stop improvements 01/12/202331/01/202418 months£1500000.000 months£0.00internal frameworkn/a10/02/2025
26738HDG/2023/585New servics and additional journeys on existing services 31/10/202331/01/202415 months£2500000.000 months£0.00open tendern/a10/02/2025
26739HDG/2023/587Consultancy to deliver masterplan01/10/202331/10/20236 months£100000.006+3 months£0.00external frameworkn/a10/02/2025
26740HDG/2023/589Refurbishment works to improve facilities at the school and conserve the historic building 31/01/202401/05/202412 months£2600000.000 months£0.00open tendern/a10/02/2025
26741HDG/2023/590Professional services to design and manage the refurbishment and improvement of catering and staff facilities 31/10/202331/12/202318 months£100000.000 months£0.00professional services frameworkn/a10/02/2025
26742HDG/2023/591Refurbishment and improvement of catering and staff facilities 31/10/202331/12/202318 months£500000.000 months£0.00open tendern/a10/02/2025
26743HDG/2023/592camera enforcement of red routes 31/01/202401/07/202418 months£1000000.000 months£0.00external frameworkn/a10/02/2025
26744HDG/2023/593Camera enforcement of red routes 31/01/202401/07/202418 months£100000.000 months£0.00external framework n/a10/02/2025
26745HDG/2023/595To undertake the refurbishment works at The Mount/The Willows in order to improve the facilities for the school and repair parts of the historic building.30/04/202401/10/202412 months months£2500000.00 months£Purchase from an existing frameworkN/A10/02/2025
26746HDG/2023/596To undertake the design and management of the refurbishments to improve the catering and staff facilities at two primary schools.04/12/202328/01/202418 months months£100000.00 months£Purchase from an existing frameworkN/A10/02/2025
26747HDG/2023/597To undertake the building works to refurbish the catering and staff facilities at two primary schools.03/06/202402/09/202412 months months£500000.00 months£Open tenderN/A10/02/2025
26748HDG/2023/566This invitation for quotations is for an Energy Advice Service to work in partnership with the Council to support the development and delivery of programmes to improve energy efficiency, reduce fuel poverty and to reduce the negative health impact of cold homes in accordance with guidance issued from the National Institute of Clinical Excellence: and from NHS England and Public Health England: . 25/09/202313/11/202324 months£100000.00N/A months£Open tender Energy Advice Service - 2022- 202410/02/2025
26749S & R/2024/176The Council wishes to appoint specialist advisers, following the award of a successful UK Shared Prosperity Fund Grant, to look at options for the financial sustainability, including income generating activities and securing external grants for operation beyond March 2025, and make recommendations as to what will be required to administer any external funding that is secured. The financial challenges facing local government are such that new operating models for heritage assets are required to ensure sustainability. Currently, the Council contributes approximately £30K towards the operating costs of EIM and £20K for FGH. This tender will need to develop new income generating activities and/or source and secure external funding replace these funds from March 2025. 05/02/202425/03/202412 months months£30000.000 months£0.00Fixed Price Quotation n/a10/02/2025
26750HDG/2024/709Rough Sleeper Outreach Service to provide assertive outreach support within the boundary areas of Stoke-on-Trent City Council & Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council. The service will provide support on a 24/7 - 365 day per year basis to support individuals who remain unaccommodated and verified as sleeping out on the streets. 07/03/202501/10/202536 months£390000.0012+12 months£260000.00open tenderRough Sleeper Outreach Service10/02/2025